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Twelve years ago Rosa Jordan and Derek Choukalos set out to cycle the entire coast of Cuba. Afterwards they wrote Lonely Planet’s Cycling Cuba, the first-ever guide to bicycling around that beautiful island—the largest in the Caribbean. Naturally many queries about cycling in Cuba followed; however, the couple got even more questions from Cuba-bound travelers wanting to know which were the island’s “best beaches.” 

Some who asked that question were looking for a beach with all the bells and whistles of a resort. Some were interested in beaches where they could stay with Cubans and get a real sense of island culture. And some were searching for a beach off the beaten path, rarely visited by locals and little known to foreigners. Beach lovers not only wanted to know the locations of the best beaches in those categories, but wanted information on how to get there, where they could stay, and what there was to do in the area, on the water and off.

That’s how Cuba’s Best Beaches came to be written. Descriptions of more than 30 beaches (all visited once or many times by the authors) let travelers know what they can expect to find at Cuba’s best resort beaches, as well as the best beaches for a cultural experience, and the best ones for simply getting away from it all.


by marcos de particuba of

Long awaited, now appreciated

No one had yet compiled a comprehensive list of Cuba's most appreciated playas. Now, these authors, well-known for their previous title on Cuba, have done it and the result is easily consulted, divided as it is in three sections : Best Resort Beaches, Best Cultural Experience and Off-The-Beaten Path. There are, of course more than 30 beaches on La Isla Grande but these will do just fine for a first beach trip. After going through the book, how does it compare with my own choices of Best in Cuba ? We could not have said it better. Highly recommended and a must for beach fans, whether walkers, readers, sun-tanners or explorers.

by John Abbotsford

A Timely Arrival

Surprisingly very little up to date information is available on the diverse range of Cuba's beaches. What makes this book particularly different is that it covers the whole spectrum of All Inclusive resort-type beaches to those with more basic accommodation. There is also a very comprehensive introduction covering the basics of getting to and travelling around Cuba. A manageable size for carrying around and nice photos too! Highly recommended.


For an in-depth description of Cuba's most popular resort  beach, read The “real” Varadero, an article by Rosa Jordan in the Cuba Absoulutely web magazine.
